
2018年2月ICF公布了最新的认证规则,才过了3个月难道又要变天啦!?看完新规全文,小编才松了口气。这次的调整全是因为欧盟出台了 General Data Privacy Regulation,也就是“一般数据隐私条例”。 为了遵守GDPR的规范,促进数据安全,更好地保护全球ICF会员及客户的信息,ICF对认证申请流程做了一些调整。这也算大数据时代,良心组织对个人隐私负责任的态度。 小编帮大家整理了4处重点,让你快速了解新规!

Credentialing Updates
Updated Processes to Enhance Data Security

It is ICF’s policy to set the standard in the coaching world, which translates to us serving our Members, Credential-holders, accredited programs and the coaching profession to the best of our ability. The International Coach Federation (ICF) is committed to protecting the privacy of all personal data that we encounter.

The forthcoming European Union General Data Privacy Regulation (欧洲联盟一般数据隐私条例)provides an opportunity for us to enhance our data privacy practices to benefit not only coaches who live and work in the EU, but every member of the ICF Global community. To this end, we are updating our credentialing application process to ensure compliance with GDPR and alignment with best practices for promoting data security.


Beginning May 24,2018, at 12 Noon (New York), coaches will be required to complete an attestation of coaching experience included in the ICF Credential application. This will replace the submission of a coaching log and is intended to help protect the privacy of coaching clients.

To ensure the integrity of this updated process, ICF will conduct periodic audits to verify applicants’ coaching experience. This means that coaches should continue to obtain and document clients’ consent to store their information,have a policy on how that information will be protected and maintained, and have a system in place for tracking relevant data. (ICF will continue to provide a downloadable coaching log template on our website.) If an audit reveals that a coach has provided inaccurate or fraudulent information regarding their coaching experience, they may be subject to denial and/or revocation of their ICF Credential and may be prohibited from reapplying for an ICF Credential for up to five (5) years.

Also beginning May24, initial and renewal credentialing applications will be amended to include additional fields asking applicants to consent to ICF collecting, storing and using the personal information you provide.

Finally, beginning this month, we are changing our data retention timeline for ICF Credential application materials. We will only retain your application materials for six (6) months after your application has been processed. At that time, all your application materials will be deleted from our systems.

Coaches with questions about the impact of GDPR on credentialing can contact the ICF Credentialing Services team at  support@coachfederation.org.

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