Competency 2: Creating the Coaching Agreement
Establishing the Coaching Agreement - Ability to understand what is required in the specific coaching interaction and to come to agreement with the prospective client about the coaching process and relationship.
PCC Markers for this competency:
◆ 教练帮助客户识别或者重新确定她/他在教练环节中想要实现什么
Coach helps the client identify, or reconfirm, what s/he wants to accomplish in the session.
◆ 教练帮助客户定义或者重新确定如何衡量她/他想要在教练环节中实现的成果。
Coach helps the client to define or reconfirm measures of success for what s/he wants to accomplish in the session.
◆ 教练探索关于她/他在教练环节中想实现的重要或者是有意义的事情是什么。
Coach explores what is important or meaningful to the client about what s/he wants to accomplish in the session.
◆ 教练帮助客户定义:客户相信她/她需要处理或者解决什么来实现想要的成果。
Coach helps the client define what the client believes he/she needs to address or resolve in order to achieve what s/he wants to accomplish in the session.
◆ 教练根据客户想实现的成果的方向来继续对话,除非客户有其他的指示。Coach continues conversation in direction of client’s desired outcome unless client indicates otherwise.
Competency 3: Creating Trust and Intimacy
Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client - Ability to create a safe, supportive environment that produces ongoing mutual respect and trust.
PCC Markers for this competency
◆ 在教练的过程中,教练认可和尊重客户的作为。
Coach acknowledges and respects the client’s work in the coaching process.
◆ 教练表示对客户的支持。
Coach expresses support for the client.
◆ 教练鼓励和允许客户充分地表达他/她自己。Coach encourages and allows the client to fully express him/herself.
Competency 4: Coaching Presence
Coaching Presence - Ability to be fully conscious and create spontaneous relationship with the client, employing a style that is open, flexible and confident.
PCC Markers for this Competency:
◆ 教练同时对客户作为人的整体性和客户在教练环节中想要实现什么做出回应。
Coach acts in response to both the whole person of the client and what the client wants to accomplish in the session.
◆ 教练是善于观察的,有同理心的和回应敏捷的。
Coach is observant, empathetic, and responsive.
◆ 教练注意并探索客户的能量转化。
Coach notices and explores energy shifts in the client.
◆ 教练展示好奇心,有意识地学习更多。
Coach exhibits curiosity with the intent to learn more.
◆ 教练陪伴着客户,支持客户选择教练环节中会发生什么。
Coach partners with the client by supporting the client to choose what happens in the session.
◆ 教练陪伴着客户,邀请客户对教练的贡献做出任何可能的回应,也接纳客户的回应。
Coach partners with the client by inviting the client to respond in any way to the coach’s contributions and accepts the client’s response.
◆ 教练陪伴着客户,重现客户所表达的可能性,以便客户做出选择。
Coach partners with the client by playing back the client’s expressed possibilities for the client to choose from.
◆ 教练陪伴着客户,鼓励客户形成他/她自己的认识。
Coach partners with the client by encouraging the client to formulate his or her own learning.
Competency 5: Active Listening
Active Listening - Ability to focus completely on what the client is saying and is not saying, to understand the meaning of what is said in the context of the client’s desires, and to support client self-expression
PCC Markers for this competency:
◆ 基于客户是谁和客户的情况,教练个性化地提出问题和洞察。
Coach’s questions and observations are customized by using what the coach has learned about who the client is and the client’s situation.
◆ 教练问询或者探索客户所使用的语言。
Coach inquires about or explores the client’s use of language.
◆ 教练问询或者探索客户的情绪。
Coach inquires about or explores the client’s emotions.
◆ 教练恰当地问询或者探索客户的音调、话语的节奏或者语调的升降。
Coach inquires about or explores the client’s tone of voice, pace of speech or inflection as appropriate.
◆ 教练问询或者探索客户的行为。
Coach inquires about or explores the client’s behaviors.
◆ 教练问询或者探索客户如何感知他/她的世界。
Coach inquires about or explores how the client perceives his/her world.
◆ 教练保持安静,给客户时间去思考。
Coach is quiet and gives client time to think.
Competency 6: Powerful Questioning
Powerful Questioning - Ability to ask questions that reveal the information needed for maximum benefit to the coaching relationship and the client.
PCC Markers for this Competency:
◆ 教练对客户的思维方式、设想、信念、价值、需求、渴望等提问。
Coach asks questions about the client; his/her way of thinking, assumptions, beliefs, values, needs, wants, etc.
◆ 教练的问题有助客户跨越现有的思维,探索有关她/他自己的新的或者拓宽的思维。
Coach’s questions help the client explore beyond his/her current thinking to new or expanded ways of thinking about himself/herself.
◆ 教练的问题有助客户跨越现有的思维,探索有关她/他自己处境的新的或者拓宽的思维。
Coach’s questions help the client explore beyond his/her current thinking to new or expanded ways of thinking about his/her situation.
◆ 教练的问题有助客户跨越现在的思维,探索走向她/他期望的结果。
Coach’s questions help the client explore beyond current thinking towards the outcome s/he desires.
◆ 教练提出清晰、直接、以开放式问题为主的问题,一次一个问题,节奏要允许客户去思考和反思。
Coach asks clear, direct, primarily open-ended questions, one at a time, at a pace that allows for thinking and reflection by the client.
◆ 教练的问题使用客户的语言,及客户学习风格和参考框架的元素。
Coach’s questions use the client’s language and elements of the client’s learning style and frame of reference.
◆ 教练的问题不是引导性的,比如不包含结论或者方向。
Coach’s questions are not leading, i.e. do not contain a conclusion or direction.
Competency 7: Direct Communication
Direct Communication - Ability to communicate effectively during coaching sessions, and to use language that has the greatest positive impact on the client.
PCC Markers for this Competency:
◆ 教练分享观察、直觉、评价、想法和感受,有助推进客户的学习。
Coach shares observations, intuitions, comments, thoughts and feelings to serve the client’s learning or forward movement.
◆ 教练分享观察、直觉、评价、想法和感受,不执着于他们是对的。
Coach shares observations, intuitions, comments, thoughts and feelings without any attachment to them being right.
◆ 教练运用客户的语言或者能反映出客户表达方式的语言。
Coach uses the client’s language or language that reflects the client’s way of speaking.
◆ 教练的语言通常是清晰和简练的。
Coach’s language is generally clear and concise
◆ 教练允许客户在(教练中)说大多数的话。
The coach allows the client to do most of the talking.
◆ 教练允许客户把话说完,除了有约定的教练目的才可以打断客户。
Coach allows the client to complete speaking without interrupting unless there is a stated coaching purpose to do so.
Competency 8: Creating Awareness
Creating Awareness - Ability to integrate and accurately evaluate multiple sources of information, and to make interpretations that help the client to gain awareness and thereby achieve agreed-upon results.
PCC Markers for this Competency:
◆ 教练邀请客户在教练环节中表述 和/或者 探索他/她对处境的学习 (关于“什么”)。
Coach invites client to state and/or explore his/her learning in the session about her/his situation (the what).
◆ 教练邀请客户在教练环节中表述和/或者探索他/她对自己的学习(关于“谁”)
Coach invites client to state and/or explore his/her learning in the session about her-/himself (the who).
◆ 教练分享她/他看到的客户 和/或者 客户的处境,寻求客户的反馈或者探索。
Coach shares what s/he is noticing about the client and /or the client’s situation, and seeks the client’s input or exploration.
◆ 教练邀请客户考虑如何运用从教练中学来的新的认知。
Coach invites client to consider how s/he will use new learning from the coaching.
◆ 教练的问题、直觉和观察潜在地使客户创造新的认知。
Coach’s questions, intuitions and observations have the potential to create new learning for the client.
能力9, 10和11:设计行动、计划和目标设定,以及管理进度和责任
Competency 9, 10 and 11: Designing Actions, Planning And Goal Setting, And Managing Progress And Accountability
Designing Actions - Ability to create with the client opportunities for ongoing learning, during coaching and in work/life situations, and for taking new actions that will most effectively lead to agreed-upon coaching results.
Planning and Goal Setting - Ability to develop and maintain an effective coaching plan with the client.
Managing Progress and Accountability - Ability to hold attention on what is important for the client, and to leave responsibility with the client to take action.
PCC Markers for these Competencies:
◆ 教练邀请或者允许客户在教练环节中探索就其想要实现的目标而取得的进展。
Coach invites or allows client to explore progress towards what s/he want to accomplish in the session.
◆ 教练帮助客户设计在教练环节后要做什么行动/培养什么思维,继续为期望的结果前进。
Coach assists the client to design what actions/thinking client will do after the session in order for the client to continue moving toward the client’s desired outcomes.
◆ 教练邀请或者允许客户考虑前进的路径,适当地包括支持机制、资源和潜在的障碍。
Coach invites or allows client to consider her/his path forward, including, as appropriate, support mechanisms, resources and potential barriers.
◆ 教练帮助客户为她/他自己设计最佳的问责方法。
Coach assists the client to design the best methods of accountability for her/himself.
◆ 教练陪伴客户去结束教练环节。
Coach partners with the client to close the session.
◆ 教练关注并反映客户的进步。
Coach notices and reflects client’s progress.