ICF对PCC教练的考核评估点PCC Markers
ICF国际教练联盟修订了教练的核心技能,由原来的11项更改为8项。为了迎接这些新变化,ICF同时邀请了经验丰富的评估员和PCC评估员培训师,组成一支多元化教练评估团队对PCC Markers(PCC标识)进行了修订。
PCC Markers是认证教练的过程中应当展现出来的水平衡量基础,进行认证教练的评估老师将从这里获得评分范围,用来评估认证教练所提供的教练会谈录音中,哪些ICF核心能力在得到了体现以及在多大程度上得到体现。它提供了一套公平有效、标准一致、真实可靠、可重复使用的PCC级教练认证评估体系。
PCC Markers还可以用来支持教练、教练培训导师和督导教练以确定PCC级别指导中的成长和技能发展领域;但是,他们应始终用于教练核心能力培养。PCCMarkers不应作为通过PCC评估的公式化检查表。
更新的PCC Markers由原来的47项简化为37项。每一位有志于成为认证教练的同学,也可以将它们作为自己教练水平的研习方向。
一、 展现道德规范
Demonstrates Ethical Practice
Familiarity with the ICF Code of Ethics and its application is required for all levels of coaching. Successful PCC candidates will demonstrate coaching that is aligned with the ICF Code of Ethics and will remain consistent in the role of coach.
二、 体现教练思维模式
Embodies a Coaching Mindset
Embodying a coaching mindset—a mindset that is open, curious, flexible and client centered—is a process that requires ongoing learning and development, establishing a reflective practice, and preparing for sessions. These elements take place over the course of a coach's professional journey and cannot be fully captured in a single moment in time.
However, certain elements of this Competency may be demonstrated within a coaching conversation. These particular behaviors are articulated and assessed through the following PCC Markers: 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.5, 7.1, and 7.5. As with other Competency areas, a minimum number of these markers will need to be demonstrated to pass the PCC performance evaluation. All elements of this Competency will also be evaluated in the written assessment for ICF Credentials (Coach Knowledge Assessment).
Establishes and Maintains Agreements
3.1 教练应陪伴客户识别或者重新确定客户在这个教练环节中想要实现什么。
3.1: Coach partners with the client to identify or reconfirm what the client wants to accomplish in this session.
3.2 教练应陪伴客户定义或者重新确定如何衡量客户想要在这个教练环节中实现的成果。
3.2: Coach partners with the client to define or reconfirm measure(s) of success for what the client wants to accomplish in this session.
3.3: Coach inquiries about or explores what is important or meaningful to the client about what they want to accomplish in this session.
3.4 教练陪伴客户定义:客户相信他们需要处理什么,来实现他们想要在这个环节达成的成果。
3.4: Coach partners with the client to define what the client believes they need to address to achieve what they want to accomplish in this session.
Cultivates Trust and Safety
4.1 在教练过程中,教练应认可并尊重客户展现出的独特才能、洞察力和作为。
4.1:Coach acknowledges and respects the client’s unique talents, insights and work in the coaching process.
4.2 教练应表达对客户的支持、同理心或者关怀。
4.2: Coach shows support, empathy or concern for the client.
4.3 教练应认可并支持客户表达自己的感受、观点、担忧、信念或建议。
4.3: Coach acknowledges and supports the client’s expression of feelings, perceptions, concerns, beliefs or suggestions.
4.4 教练应陪伴客户,邀请客户对教练的贡献做出任何可能的回应,并接纳客户的回应。
4.4: Coach partners with the client by inviting the client to respond in any way to the coach’s contributions and accepts the client’s response.
Maintains Presence
5.1 教练应对客户作为人的完整性做出回应(即客户是谁)。
5.1: Coach acts in response to the whole person of the client (the who).
5.2 教练在教练环节,应始终根据客户想要实现什么做出回应(即什么事)。
5.2: Coach acts in response to what the client wants to accomplish throughout this session(the what).
5.3 教练应陪伴客户,支持客户选择这个教练环节中会发生什么。
5.3: Coach partners with the client by supporting the client to choose what happens in this session.
5.4 教练应展示出好奇心,更多地了解客户。
5.4: Coach demonstrates curiosity to learn more about the client.
5.5 教练应允许沉默、暂停或反思。
5.5: Coach allows for silence, pause or reflection.
Listens Actively
6.1 教练提出的问题和观察,应根据教练对客户的了解或客户的情况个性化的定制。
6.1: Coach’s questions and observations are customized by using what the coach has learned about who the client is or the client’s situation.
6.2 教练应问询或探索客户使用的词语。
6.2: Coach inquires about or explores the words the client uses.
6.3 教练应问询或探索客户的情绪。
6.3: Coach inquires about or explores the client’s emotions.
6.4 教练应探索客户的能量转化、非语言线索或者其他行为。
6.4: Coach explores the client’s energy shifts, nonverbal cues or other behaviors.
6.5 教练应问询或者探索客户现在如何感知他们自己或者他们的世界。
6.5: Coach inquires about or explores how the client currently perceives themself or their world.
6.6 教练应允许客户把话说完,除非有约定的教练目标才可以打断客户。
6.6: Coach allows the client to complete speaking without interrupting unless there is a stated coaching purpose to do so.
6.7 教练应简洁地反馈或总结客户已表达的内容,以确保客户的明确和理解。
6.7: Coach succinctly reflects or summarizes what the client communicated to ensure the client's clarity and understanding.
Evokes Awareness
7.1 教练应对客户的思维方式、感受、价值观、需求、渴望、信念或行为等提出问题。
7.1: Coach asks questions about the client, such as their current way of thinking, feeling, values, needs, wants, beliefs or behavior.
7.2 教练提出问题,应帮助客户探索从当前对自己个人的想法或感受,跨越到新的或者拓宽的思维方式或感受(即客户是谁)。
7.2: Coach asks questions to help the client explore beyond the client’s current thinking or feeling to new or expanded ways of thinking or feeling about themself (the who).
7.3 教练提出的问题,应有助于客户跨越现有的思维或感受,探索有关他们自己处境的新的或者拓宽的思路或感受(即什么事)。
7.3: Coach asks questions to help the client explore beyond the client’s current thinking or feeling to new or expanded ways of thinking or feeling about their situation (the what).
7.4 教练提出的问题,应帮助客户跨越当前的思维方式、感受或行为模式,趋向客户期望的成果。
7.4: Coach asks questions to help the client explore beyond current thinking, feeling or behaving toward the outcome the client desires.
7.5 教练应不带评判地与客户分享观察、直觉、评价、想法或感受,并通过口头或语调上的邀请引发客户的探索。
7.5: Coach shares, with no attachment, observations, intuitions, comments, thoughts or feelings, and invites the client’s exploration through verbal or tonal invitation.
7.6 教练应提出清晰、直接、以开放式问题为主要问题,一次问一个问题,提问的节奏要允许客户去思考、感受或反思。
7.6: Coach asks clear, direct, primarily open-ended questions, one at a time, at a pace that allows for thinking, feeling or reflection by the client.
7.7 教练使用的语言应是清晰和简练的。
7.7: Coach uses language that is generally clear and concise.
7.8 教练应让客户在(教练环节中)说大多数的话。
7.8: Coach allows the client to do most of the talking.
Facilitates Client Growth
8.1 教练应邀请或允许客户,就客户想在这个环节中实现的成果来探索进展。
8.1: Coach invites or allows the client to explore progress toward what the client wanted to accomplish in this session.
8.2 教练应邀请客户表达或探索在这个教练环节中对他们自己的学习(即我是谁)。
8.2: Coach invites client to state or explore the client's learning in this session about themself (the who).
8.3 教练邀请客户表述或探索在这个教练环节中对他们处境的学习(即什么事)。
8.3: Coach invites the client to state or explore the client's learning in this session about their situation (the what).
8.4 教练邀请客户考虑如何运用他们从这个教练环节中收获的新认知。
8.4: Coach invites the client to consider how they will use new learning from this coaching session.
8.5 教练应陪伴客户,设计教练环节后的思考、反思或行动。
8.5: Coach partners with the client to design post-session thinking, reflection or action.
8.6 教练应陪伴客户考虑如何前进,包括资源、支持或潜在的阻碍。
8.6: Coach partners with the client to consider how to move forward, including resources, support or potential barriers.
8.7 教练应陪伴客户,去设计适用于客户自己的最佳问责方式。
8.7: Coach partners with the client to design the best methods of accountability for themselves.
8.8 教练应庆祝客户取得的进步和学习。
8.8: Coach celebrates the client’s progress and learning.
8.9 教练应陪伴客户达成他们想如何去结束这次教练环节。
8.9: Coach partners with the client on how they want to complete this session.